Dear Maddie,
Today, sweet girl, you turn nine years old! I can hardly believe that you are nine. You are about to start your third grade year at school, and let me tell you that I am excited that you get to be just down the hall from mommy's classroom.
Since you are nine, I thought I'd tell you the story of the day you were born. Your actual due date was July 28. We were several days past your due date and mommy was miserable. I begged the doctor to schedule an induction because I knew you were in no hurry to be born. (As a side note, Maddie, nothing has changed in that regard. You do everything in your own time!) Finally I (bullied a poor new doctor) convinced into scheduling an induction for later that week. Daddy and I went into the hospital on the evening of Aug. 3, and they started doing what needed to be done to start the induction. I remember a new doctor coming in that night and thinking he was Doogie Houser, MD (I don't expect you, Mad, to understand the reference) and no way was he delivering me!
The next morning Dr. Hinkle came in and started the pitocin and broke my water - even though I asked for an epidural first, she wanted me to wait. All I can say is OUCH! Truly, you and Matthew are lucky that mommy was able to forget that pain enough to give you another brother and sister! By the way, Daddy decided to go get himself some breakfast during this time, so he missed out on the fun of Mommy grabbing the side of my bed in misery before the glorious epidural arrived.
Anyway, after only a few short hours, you were ready to be born. Just a few pushes and you were here. Absolutely perfect round head, big pink cheeks, and huge! 9 lbs, 1 oz! What a big girl!!
Now here we are, nine years later. You are definitely an independent girl! You are wonderfully creative, a talented athlete, rarely take no for an answer, and a fierce competitor.
This year, your ninth year, I wish nothing but greatness for you. I am grateful that God blessed me to be your mom. I know sometimes you and I go "head to head" but know that it's only because I want to you to be the best that you can be.
Be strong, have faith, and always trust your heart to lead you. I love you so very, very much!