This week's Tips Tuesday is all about Cleaning Tips. I'm not sure that I'm the go-to person for cleaning tips. I'm actually looking forward to reading about what other people do to keep their houses tidy.
Like Leslie, I also get emails from I don't necessarily follow everything they send, but I am definitely on board to cut the clutter. We are getting ready to move in a couple of weeks, and we have purged tons and tons (I think literally) of clutter. I absolutely refuse to move junk, and I think we've done a good job to get rid of what we do not love.
The other tip that I think is helpful is to spend 15 minutes just picking up after the kids go to bed. It amazes me how messy the kids can be in such a short amount of time. If I can stay ahead of their messes, then it keeps the messes away.
Finally, I work full time, and we are so busy during the week and weekends. I have to spread out the cleaning throughout the week. I need to set a schedule and stick to it each and every week. Maybe being in the new house will help to establish some new habits. I'll keep you posted on that one!
9 Months of Hudson Bradley
7 years ago