So, one of my favorite bloggers, MckMama, has these "stream of consciousness" posts, that I find totally random and rather hilarious. I thought I'd give one of these random posts a try, since quite honestly, it takes some pretty major events that make me want to write a blog post.
So here goes...
It's supposed to snow tomorrow. A lot! I'm actually really excited about that. I think we (and when I say "we" I mean "teachers"!) get more excited about the anticipation of school closing than the kids do. A few weeks ago, we had a two hour delay, and I didn't hear the phone ring for the staff phone call. So when I got up, and turned on the tv waiting for my Keurig (that's a whole 'nother post on it's own!) I saw a bunch of schools having delays, and I looked down at the phone and saw the school number on the caller id! Let me just say how excited I was for that delay! So yes, I am hoping to look down at the caller id tomorrow morning and see where our school has been delayed.
Our house is coming along very quickly. Almost too quickly. It's hard to believe that not all that long ago we had a huge mud hole, and now we have a house that is in the process of being painted right now. It's crazy. Unfortunately, I have been so busy lately that I haven't taken any pictures of the building process. Bummer! I was hoping to photo journal the whole thing, but I think I've taken like 2 pictures since we've started. Oh well! We are supposed to close very soon! I'm so excited, but really nervous! Maybe I can get there this weekend and take a few pictures before the kitchen and bathrooms are done.

This is the model version of our new house!!
We really have a garage...
Mike had an interview on Tuesday. He was called back for another today! Yeah!! I am really praying for him right now. I am so proud of him (even when he says I'm being condescending - in a loving sort of way) He is my rock right now - even when I should be the one who's there for him, he is so positive, so optimistic. He's my rock!
It looks beautiful! I hope everything went wonderful with the interview!