Friday, August 21, 2009
The First Days of School
Monday, August 3, 2009
Happy Birthday, Maddie!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Praying For Stellan!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
This is the way we eat our breakfast...
Getting every yummy bite!
Yummy Fruity Pebbles!
Not a lot of exciting things going on right now. Summer is winding down. School will be starting very soon. Even sooner, I have to start planning for school to start. Funny thing is, for some reason I feel more fixed on getting organized around the house in preparation for school than I am in my classroom.
One thing I am going to do is get the kids some organizational items that my friend and colleague, Lindsey does with her boys. She uses the 5 shelf closet organizers to set out clothes for the week. It's not typically hard to find things for the boys to wear, but Maddie is the worst when it comes to picking out things to wear. I will let her be in control of what to wear and when, so that when she gets up, it's grab and go. I have some other ideas in mind as well. We will have meals planned for the entire week. We will have chores to do each night. I don't want to spend the money on a house keeper, so it's going to be up to us. It's just a matter of having everyone on the same page and willing to be helpful around the house. One thing is for certain, I cannot do this by myself. It takes everyone helping to make things work around here.
One more piece of exciting news - we are going to Chicago at the end of the week! Yea! I am so excited to take the girls to American Girl - I can't stand it!! I will probably be a kid in a candy store - it would have been heaven on earth for me when I was a little girl. Beyond that, I'm not really sure what we are going to be doing, but I can't wait!! The BlogHer conference will be going on while we're there, so I'm hoping to run in to some of my blogging buddies that I know will be there.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Weekend Fun!
Anyway, we started our weekend off with our annual family daycare picnic. I had high hopes that the rain that was predicted for the day would hold off. No such luck. As I was stepping out of the shower Saturday morning, I could hear the tell-tale patter of rain on the window. Maybe it would pass by 11:00? Unfortunately, no. But we didn't let that stop us from having a great time. We had great food, wonderful fellowship with friends, and despite the incessant rain, the kids had a fun time. It really is great to feel like the people that you trust your children with day in and day out are people that you like - strike that - love! (I would use the "strike" but I haven't figured that out yet! If anyone wants to provide a tutorial, that'd be great)
If the weather was cooperative, we would have taken the kids to the pool located in the park we were at, but since it was pouring - and with more rain and thunderstorms on the way, we thought it best to call it an early day. On the way home, Mike stopped a local institution - Gray Brother's. He got dinner for himself, his mom, grandfather, and the kids (I passed on the starchy goodness - still trying to lose/maintain weight) I was thrilled just because the dinner question was already answered. Yeah!
After we got home, it was nap and rest time for all. Afterward, I stopped by a local produce stand for some fresh tomatoes and peaches. I made myself a yummy dinner of a tomato salad and angel food cake topped with peaches and blackberries (who knew that combo was so yummy)
Sunday morning started off nicely because I got to sleep in! We opted to forego going to church since we knew Maddie would have a tough go of her morning. She fell asleep late yesterday afternoon, and despite our best efforts, she would not wake up. She ended up sleeping until almost 10:30 pm, ate, and then went back to bed late. I knew she'd be a beast if we got her up before she was ready.
After getting cleaned up, we headed out for S.taples to take advantage of their 1 cent deals. When you're buying school supplies for 3 kiddos, you gotta take advantage of those deals. After making a Costco run, we took Caileigh to my parent's house, then headed over to a swim party to celebrate the end of the 5 yr. old t-ball season. The kids got to swim and play, and the parents got to chat and eat. We had so much fun! The best part was seeing the look on the kids' faces when they got their trophies. So cute! They were so proud of themselves and we are proud of them.
So, after spending some quality time at my mom and dad's, hanging out with my brother and his sweet girlfriend, my sister (happy birthday, Kristen!) and her fiance, and of course my kiddos, I took my dirty, stinky, exhausted kids home. Sent each one to the shower, and then straight to bed. Hopefully, they will sleep in...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Look at this Face!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Mom! What are We Doing Today?
We take advantage from time to time of the "free" movies at the movie theater. Of course, that doesn't include the nearly $25 in popcorn and drinks. Sure, we could smuggle in our own drinks and snacks, but being a "rule follower" it's sometimes hard. I would love to put the kids in various summer camps, but those get expensive, and when you multiply the cost times three - ouch!
Today, I took the older two kids to an outdoor water park with some friends. It was $23 dollars for just 3 of us. I shudder to think that it would be nearly $50 for all six of us to go. Oh well! The big kids had a blast, going down the water slides, jumping off the diving boards, and playing with our friends' younger kids.
We were all wiped out when we got home, so all of us took naps. We had the quietest, most pleasant afternoon in weeks! I'm thinking this was money well spent.
I know (or at least, pray) that they day will come soon where credit cards will be paid off and we will have one less child in daycare - and then at the end of the day there will be more money in the bank. At least for now, I will continue to challenge myself to find activities to entertain my crew that do not break the bank.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Not Me Monday!

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Happy 4th of July!!
The kids, of course enjoyed grabbing for candy as the parade passed by.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Introduction to My Family
You see, I am a blog addict! My husband takes tremendous pride in making fun of me because I am always lurking from one blog to another. But anyway, I digress...
Matthew is our first born son. He is 11 years old. If you don't see this kid in a good mood, then something is definitely wrong! He loves football, video games, and aspires to be a chef. I think we may see him on the Food Network someday. If Alton Brown is reading this, contact me!
Christopher is our third child, and second son. He is 5 years old and will start kindergarten in August (*sniff, sniff*). He is inquisitive, insightful, and thinks well beyond his years. He loves sports of any kind and has been watching ESPN with his daddy since he was a baby. He is his great-grandfather made over and we couldn't be prouder of this little boy.
So there you have 2/3 of the Runyon family. I will include some pictures of the other third of our family (ie: my dear husband and myself) in another post.