So yesterday morning, the gang jumped in the suburban and headed to the local 4th of July parade. This has been a local tradition for years around here. We decided to try something new and put Caileigh in the wagon instead of her stroller. What can I say? She did fantastic!
(On a side note, I am beyond thrilled that she did so well since my sister is getting married in October, and Caileigh and another toddler will be riding in this wagon being pulled down the aisle by Christopher)
The kids, of course enjoyed grabbing for candy as the parade passed by.
The kids, of course enjoyed grabbing for candy as the parade passed by.
There was a threat of rain in the forecast, but thankfully the weather held throughout the parade, only really beginning to rain as the parade was ending. Mike engineered a plan to keep Caileigh dry if it did start to rain.
Unfortunately, it rained, and rained. And. rained...You get the picture. It rained all day, non stop. I had hoped to head to the local 4th of July festivities, but with the rain, we decided instead to head to my parent's house and have dinner together. Also, due to the rain, all the firework shows were postponed as well.
We thought we'd try to at least view the fireworks display here in town. Sadly, we were not able to see much from the location we chose. For whatever reason, the fireworks weren't launched high enough to clear the trees that surround the park. Note to self: next year suck it up and brave downtown to view a REAL fireworks show! However, I was still able to snap at least one picture of Maddie and Christopher oohing and ahhing over what little fireworks they could see.
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