Anyway, I am sending this little man off to kindergarten in just a little over a month. He is stoked! I am not so much. I mean, I've been through sending two kids to kindergarten already. When Matthew went, I was so excited for him! Of course, I shed a few tears after I put him on the bus, and I paced the front yard waiting for his bus to return, but overall, I did fine. When Maddie went to school, I was teaching in the same school she was at, so actually it should have been a cake walk. I won't say I wasn't a mess before school, but it was a sappy morning, to say the least.
In a little over a month, I am sending this little face to a different school. He's getting on the bus at his sitter's house, so I won't see him get on the bus, and I won't see him get off the bus. I'm really pretty bummed about that. But I know he's going to do great! I know I have several people who will be checking in on him.
This is the face of a kid that will set the world on fire - no question about it. I just hope his kindergarten teacher can handle him :)
Thanks for the sweet comment on Alyssa's blog, it made her day!