Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Introduction to My Family

I have been wanting to start a family blog for awhile now, but it seems that I let the perfectionist in me get in the way. You know, how do I make my blog look as great as all the other blogs that I love to read? Well, thanks to Google and those wonderful blog tutorial sites, I have been able to create a blog (actually two blogs) that I think I am going to be proud to share.
You see, I am a blog addict! My husband takes tremendous pride in making fun of me because I am always lurking from one blog to another. But anyway, I digress...

The purpose of this family blog is to share updates and happenings with our family, whom we love dearly, but don't always get to see all the time. I will try to post updates often and, for the sake of grandparents, include pictures.

So, without further ado, let me introduce the family...

Matthew is our first born son. He is 11 years old. If you don't see this kid in a good mood, then something is definitely wrong! He loves football, video games, and aspires to be a chef. I think we may see him on the Food Network someday. If Alton Brown is reading this, contact me!

Madelynne (aka: Maddie or Mad) is our second born and first daughter. Creative, competitive, and high spirited only begin to describe our girl! She will probably be an artist when she grows up, given the masterpieces she has already blessed us with (some great, others not so much). This girl knows what she wants, and will not let anyone or anything stand in her way of getting it.

Christopher is our third child, and second son. He is 5 years old and will start kindergarten in August (*sniff, sniff*). He is inquisitive, insightful, and thinks well beyond his years. He loves sports of any kind and has been watching ESPN with his daddy since he was a baby. He is his great-grandfather made over and we couldn't be prouder of this little boy.

Last, but certainly not least, is Miss Caileigh. She is 22 months old and is a complete joy to our family. She has her daddy wrapped around her finger, and we knew that the moment daddy held her in his arms for the first time. She is definitely sassy and she almost always lets us know exactly what she wants.

So there you have 2/3 of the Runyon family. I will include some pictures of the other third of our family (ie: my dear husband and myself) in another post.


1 comment:

  1. My mom told me I should start blogging,so i did.Caileigh is so cute:)!!!
